Sunday, July 4, 2010

New Questions (Please answer before July 9)

Thanks to all the readers and those who have posted some answers. Aparat was the first one on the list. Now, it's time for new questions:
1. For everybody: How can we get more students post on this blog?

2. For TEFL students:
a. Read Chapter1-2 in Richards & Renandya (2003) and state which part of the chapters that haven't talked about in class?
b. What does communicative teaching mean?

3. For EC students:
a.As students, how can we help lower the rate of prostitution and arbortion?
b. Why do we have to learn about contemporary soial issues?

Well, good luck to every one and do you best to spend more time on your study and assignments.Bye for now!


  1. Intira (ECMA 5214600169)
    >>> A) In my view, prostitution and abortion problems are related to each other because some case of abortion causes from unsafe sex of prostitution. In contrast, some of prostitutes is a disappointed woman who used to conduct abortion.
    As a student, I can help lower the rate of these problem by guiding young generation to realise the value of faminine worthiness that our body is not a product for sale. The concept of monogamy is important to our marital life that needs to care about. The other concept is morality. If we live our life follow good morality, our life will be controlled conciously. The abortion problem won't occur as well.
    >>> B) There are many social issues occur in every part of the world nowadays. Some of them affects directly to our life, while some of them just affects indirectly or doesn't involve. To learn and pay attention into these social issues is the way to keep up-to-date to current situations. We may lead to these issues someday unexpectedly. Therefore, learning about them will be useful to our study and work. If we are not interested in these important issues, we will fall behind others.

  2. So sad (T_T) I'm not the first one! Next time it will be my turn 55++
    >>>>1).If you want more people to post on this blog, you may have to make it more interesting by adding games and rewards. Leave Q&A (not academic one, please!!), let the students share ideas and gave them rewards for the most interesting one. Don't forget to set a topic of the hottest issue to discuss.
    >>>>2) A.Chapter 1 needs to talk more about these topics;Twelve principles of language learning, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Assessment. Chapter 2 we need to talk about;Theories of teaching and three categories of conceptions.
    >>>>2) B. In conclusion, Communicative Language Teaching-CLT" is the way of teaching that many linguists agreed to strenghten the weak points of Audio-Lingual method. CLT tends to employ "student centered", and, "less teacher centered". lesson plan is designed to suit each student in particular. CLT tries to push the students to be able to communicate in real situation by encouraging the students to develop thier skills in every aspect.

    That's all for my attemption. It's rather long but it's worth reading 55++. How about the others? Where are you guys? I'm dying to read yours....
    Chananyu MA.TEFL.'53

  3. I'm here ka P'Chananyu. YOU are not the first guy who answers the questions, but you are the first MA TEFL na ka. ^U^

    1. I think so about "some rewards" ^^. Anouncements can help we to get more students post on this blog. Word of mouth? Handouts? or whatever

    a) Chapter1: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Assessment should be defined. I have to say I don't quite understand about their definitions.
    Chapter2: The three manin categories: Science-research conceptions, Theory-philosophy conceptions, and Art-craft conceptions are needed to explain more.

    b) "communicative teaching"
    It is the teaching method which focuses on language content not the language form. Students can learn and practise the foreign language through communicative activities. They not only learn to interact with foreigners under this teaching, but also they learn to understand the performance of language functions and expression of notions.

    waiting for other comments

    Suttida MA TEFL'53

  4. I'm coming. :)

    1. Have this blog ever notice in the board of university? if it is not yet, first, print the blog and take it to all board and invite students to post some easy greeting with us or tell webmaster to have this blog's links on the main page of university's website. (:

    A) the parts which don't talk about yet are
    ...charpter 1...
    - two reasons variation of approach level, (1)observation and experience of one (2)research and pedagogy, in a principled approach.
    - twelve principles of second language acquisition;(1)automaticity (2) meaningful learning (3) the anticipation of reward (4)intrinsic motivation (5)strategic investment (6)language ego (7)self-confidence (8)risk taking (9)the language-culture connection (10)the native language effect (11)interlanguage (12)communicative competence.
    - processes of diagnosis, treatment, and assessment.
    ...charpter 2...
    the conception of three theories
    - science-research conceptions
    - theory-philosophy conceptions
    - art-craft conceptions

    B)Communicative (language) teaching means a way of teaching to interact with other that emphasize on grammar which have many method are conponent with.

    :) see you in the class

    Warapong MA TEFL'53

  5. to..A.J metee.
    I apologise for being late.
    *****1.chapter 1 : The concept of a principled approach, twelve principles , and diagnosis,treatment and assessment.
    chapter 2 : Three main categories of theories of teaching in launguage teaching; science research conceptions , theory-philosophy conception and art-craft conception.
    *****2.Communicative language teaching focuses on learning to communicate through interaction in target language. Learners need to be able to use the language appropriately in social context.
    Nitirat (M.A. TEFL'53)

  6. sorry for being late. I've just finished reading...slowly person -*-
    1) I agree with Mr. Chananyu about adding interesting topics and also giving reward for someone who gives the best answer!! or whatever...
    2(a)>>>Chapter 1, we haven't talked about a principled approach, twelve principles of second language teaching and a crafted process of diagnosis, treatment and assessment.
    For chapter 2, we need to talk more about three conceptions of teaching including science-research, theory-philosophy and art-craft.
    2(b)>>>Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is a principle of second language teaching that provides how to use language in communication. Grammar, sociolinguistics, discourse and strategics are some competences of communication that are emphasized.

    Juthamas (M.A. TEFL'53)

  7. Intira (ECMA : 5214600169)
    >>> Prostitution in Japan :
    The number of teenager prostitution in Japan is in alarming level and still increasing nowadays. The girls wait for men to take her out for sex and offer her a satisfying amount of money. These girls need money to buy designer fashions in order to look and dress like movie actors and singers on television. They think that being a prostitute is just like another part-time job. They see their youth as a currency with time limit, so they need to spend it before it expires.
    >>> U.S. Abortion Law :
    Currently, American women have the legal right to obtain an abortion in all states without any matter to number of months of pregnancy. In the past, the right of abortion used to argue many times before getting an approval. Some people concerned about health of women, so they disagreed with having aborting in the third trimester pregnancy. In contrast, some people concerned about women’s emotion, so they agreed with having abortion if women are upset even in the third trimester pregnancy.

  8. Seksan/EC
    a) Many factors are the root of prostitution and abortion. How to eliminate these problem is to give people well education. straight, accurate education conducts people to good way
    b) In every second, the world keeps changing. To watch and observe how the world changing in every issue, especially in the issue of society which concerns directly to human is a benefit. we can see through changing world.

  9. From : Peachpabha Ongsathaporn (M.A. TEFL'53)

    @Oy; it seems that i got to be slower than you cuz i'm about to submit it ^^

    1) Keep reminding your students what's coming up in the blog.

    2)CLT is another method of teaching a foreign language which its attempts students to communicate proficiently. With this method it is considered as a student – centered because it help students improve their language ability through their class participation in communicative rather than teacher – centered. In the class, teachers will talk less in class and will act like a classroom advisor or monitor, on the other hand, students will do the most talking, they are freely to communicate on the topic that they decided to learn. By this practice, students will have more confidence to communicate.

    3) Chapter 1 : the topic that we haven't discussed in the class is "12 priciples"
    Chapter 2 : I think you have yet mentioned in the class, ka ajarn!!!

    Wish me luck

  10. Prostitution should be legalized, as an occupation. To legalize prostitution is an advantage because it allows prostitutes access to medical care treatment, social well fare, and government can tax prostitution.

    Abortion needs to be legalize in order to save woman' s life, to protect woman 's health and to advocate liberty and privacy.

    Seksan /Ec

  11. Hello,
    1. You can just let anyone who wants to share their pictures to this blog.

    2.Chapter 1.There were twelve principles, diagnosis,treatment, and assessment that we have not talked
    Chanpter 2. There were science-research conceptions,theory-philosophy conceptions and air-craft conceptions that we have not talked.

    3.Communicative teaching is the way of teaching the second language and foreign language. It focuses on speaking the target language in real situation.It helps students to use the target language in a variety of contexts and places great emphasis on learning language functions.

    Kantaphon , (MA,TEFL,53)

  12. 1.You can just let anyone who wants to shaire their pictures or

    topics to this blog.

    2.Chapter 1, there were 12 principles,dianosis,treatment, and

    Chapter 2, there were science-research conceptions,theory-

    philosophy conceptions and art-craft conceptions.

    3. Communicative teaching is the way of teaching the second

    language and foreign language. It focuses on speaking the target

    language in a real situation.It focuses on helping students to use

    the target language in a variety of contexts and places great

    emphasis on learning language functions.

    Kantaphon (MA,TEFL'53)

  13. Hello Aj. Metee

    I'm Narasith, and i'm here to summarize the topic of our discussion that we will have in this saturday

    1. Prostitution: Many students prostitutes stated that they working as an escort girl because they couldn't earn enough money to pay their tuition fee and others fee that related to their education

    2. abortion: Most of the religions oppose against prostitution and the opposite (Atheist, etc.) and they attacked religion on the unanswerable spiritual reason. But in my opinion function of religion is not prevent human from being addicted to something that damaged their selves, not just to take them to heaven.

  14. Hello Aj. Metee

    I'm Narasith, Again. about your question that you mentioned above;

    1. You should give students a work and let them answer on this blog and with somethings as a reward (score etc.) Furthermore, you should posted some file that can help students in their studying with some enjoyable activity.

    2. How to lower abortion and prostitution rate i will write it in my essay.

    3. We need to study about social issue because we must understand what is a controversial issue in society, how to communicate with people because people shared a different world view

  15. Hello.. Sorry for being soooo late.. :P
    1. Wow! For the ideas above are quite nice, especially adding some games and leaving academic Q&A.. hehehehe .. And also advertise and have a blog link in a popular website! :)
    2. A: Principled approach, diagnosis, treatment and assessment in chapter 1 and three main categories of theories of teaching in launguage teaching; science research conceptions , theory-philosophy conception and art-craft conception i chapter 2 are what we need more talk..
    B: CLT is a foreign language teaching method that focuses on how to push students to be able to communicate in the real situation. It's students' center.

    That's all for me.. ;)
    Saowapa (MA,TEFL '53)

  16. Hi Aj. Metee. I'm Narasith, i want to answer about homosexual topic.

    Homosexuality and Religion
    Most of the religions are against homosexuality and aspect of homosexuality on each religion is diverse and complex. For example, Catholic not condemned homosexual people as sinner but never permit them a marriage. Islamic condemned homosexual people as a sinner and has punishment for them. In my opinion, people from any religion should stop condemned homosexual people and open mind and welcome them to the religions because I believe many homosexual people walk in bad path because religions not welcome them. If religions welcome homosexual people they can learn the doctrine and become good people for society.

  17. Hi Aj.Metee
    I'm Narasith, i want to summarize what we have studied with Aj. Supath

    In Aj. Supath class we studied about impact of technology and science. Aj.Supath gave us stories about mental enhancement medication, GMO foods and scientific consensus and let us debate and discussion our opinions that should GMO and metal enhancement drugs be conduct or not.

  18. Hi.Aj.Metee
    I'm Aparat Panusatid
    On Saturday, we studied on Contempolary in Social Issues with Aj'Supath in part of our discussion. Aj. assigned work for each to be the main discussion. The title prepared by AJ like Cosmetic enhancements have become a population way to make people look younger and more beautiful,Are genetically Modified Foods Safe?, A tale of two scientific consensuses look who's letting ideology overrule science and The debate over genetically modified foods.
    He said that he needs you to keep going about this issue on this Saturday.From Aparat

  19. Hello Aj. Metee
    I'm Rattana Nampanya 5114600214 I'd like to share the summary about what is studying that I study last Saturday July 31 2010....

    We are study about the 'Impact of Technology and Science 'in many sub-topic such as "where the line between Therapy,Enhancement?, GMO product and Scienctific Consensuses. Aj.Supath assign each us discuss about the topic that responsible, debeat,share the opinion about this topic

    Thank you very much

  20. To Aj.Metee
    Last Saturday, I studied about medication enchanment, GMO foods,gobal warming and scientific consensuses. Everybody presents the topic and expresses the opinion about these points.

    See you in the class my lecturer.
    Nantida Sreetin

  21. Hello Aj. Metee. I'm Narasith

    I will summarize the information that i found about the impact of technology and science

    Science and Technology affected every aspect of people's lives both benefits and drawbacks way. However, the world seems to embrace it. There are many thing that can help people life in both health and convenient. In health part we have stem cells that can solve dilemmas in medical concern. For convenient we have Personal Data Assistant that can help access to everything in one touch.
