Friday, June 18, 2010

All MAs (TELF & EC) are more than welcome to share with us what we have kraaab


  1. Who will be the first M.A. student who posts an answer on this blog?

  2. Mrs Aparat Panusatid EC 2552
    What do weaterners think about Thai politics?
    In my view point, westerners think that there was a double standard occurred in Thai society. Especially, how UDD's protests were treated compared to how the PAD's protests were treated. Also, Abhisit government censored several Internet site linked to UDD as well as a sattllite television station that carried live broadcasts of the protest. By contrast AsTV, a satellite station run by the PAD, was never shut down.
    Do you agree with them or not? Why?
    Yes, I do. I think that it is true that there are double standard occurred in Thai siciety. For example, two sides of the protesters, Red Shirand Yellow Shirt, do the same things, but the practical by the government are so different.

    To Aj, Metee
    I apologise to be late because I don't know how to use your blog. I have to use many time to learn and call to ask my classmate, Aparat.

  3. Mrs.Aparat Panusatid(MA student,EC)
    My "Prostitution topic" is "Thailand's dark face".
    This article is about prostitution in Thailand, dark influences, why does Thailand have about prostitution's reputation?, Thai woman bad reputation, who is repionsible?, government actions, Thailand bad image, Aids, morality, how many people are involveed? and Is there a solution?

  4. "Audio-Lingual Method"

    Sometimes the method is called "Oral-Aural". It is similar to direct method but it does not focus on teaching vocabulary. The teacher often uses pattern practice because the practice will help the student to speak and write automatically if the student can remember the pattern.

    Suttida (MA.TEFL'53)

  5. "Audio-Lingual Method mainly focuses on speaking and listening skill. The teacher will present a dialogue and let students practice to make them feel familiar with the dialogue. The teacher will play major role and mother tongue is not allow in the class.

    Chananyu (MA.TEFL'53)

  6. Audio-Lingual Method is a technique of teaching language that emphasizes listening and speaking by using target language in the class. The use of grammar and pronunciation are taught through
    dialogues and drills.

    Juthamas (MA. TEFL'53)

  7. Dear all students,

    Thanks for posting comments/ assignments on this blog. I will reply as soon as possible. THere are also some helpers here. They might talk with you soon. Keep trying/working hard.

  8. From : Peachpabha Ongsathaporn
    (M.A. TEFL' 53)

    Audio Lingual is another method that is created to learn a second language by memorizing the pattern of conversation and repeating the dialogue. The first language is not used at all during the instruction.

  9. So, the first one from all MA (English) program is Aparat from EC, and the first one from TEFL is Suttida. Keep writing, there will be new questions soon.


    By the way, sorry to be late means you are going to be late and you know it. However, if you would like to refer to what already happened, you might want to say sorry for being late. Another one, Thai land 's dark side might be better than dark face.

  10. My first topic is Religion and abortion.
    This article is about the belief of people about abortion in vary religions like Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.

    My second related topic is "Abortion and the meaning of human life
    This article is the issue of abortion in Western society and the failure to solve it reflects the moral crises between man and woman in the absence of religious values.

    Answer the question that Aj.Metee gave to us.
    1. How can we get more students post on this blog?
    Teacher shoild tell them that how it is important.
    3. a. As students, how can we help lower the rate of prostitution and abortion?

    Everyone should pay attention about the lession and study hard in order to get a good job and create "Green and Happiness society". Also, do the best for their duty .

    b. Why do we have to learn about contemporary social issues?
    Because it can improve the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing within the context of various social issues associated with the rapidly changing world. Also, to eecourage analytical and critical thinking.
    From Mrs.Aparat Panusatid
    EC Programme, MA Student

  11. sorry,I'm late.
    1.chapter 1 : The concept of a principled Approch,twelve principle and diagnosis,treatment,and assessment.
    chapter 2 : Three main catagories of theories of teaching in language teaching ; science- research conception , theory - philosophy conception , and art-craft conception.
    2.communicative language teaching focuses on leaning to communicate through interaction in target language. Learners need to be able to use language appropriately in social context.

  12. Nitirat (M.A. TEFL'53).(I forgot to add my name because I'm so hurry.)-_-

  13. Hello, I'm Kittikhun
    Answer: In order to lower these two social problems, I think Thai government should legalize it. The reason I said that is because I think people will be shameful in doing these things in public.
